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Leslie's Garden Handcrafted Soap

What customers and colleagues are saying about Leslie's Garden Soapspix of little flower 

I have to tell you how much I love your soap! The one I chose was Herb Walk and what a luxurious shower it is when I use it." ~~Gillian G., MD

"I've never had a problem with any kind of addiction before I ran across your soap." ~~Anne S., NC

"My daughter and I absolutely loved [Belize Bar] and for a 10 year old to love soap-that's saying something." ~~Tara S., VA

"I have fallen in love with your soaps. I have never felt cleaner or smelled better after showering. My daughter is partial to the mint soap, but I love your Lovingly Lavender and Amour. Thank you for your wonderful product." ~~Wendy M., VA

"Your soaps are fabulous!" ~~Bridget E., IN

"I absolutely loved the Embraceable You, as it seems to soothe my dry skin..."~~Rebecca S., VA

"I keep smelling your Amour Soap... I think I am going to make myself a lotion with those scents in it and see if I like it. I just love the complexity of the bar, and who would have EVER thought lavender would go with cinnamon and clove?"~~Scott, the Soap Fairy, DE

luxurious lather ~ silky touch ~ inspired by the gifts of the garden

All rights reserved Leslie Plant
Updated 04/27/2014